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Showing posts from December, 2016

2016 End of Year Ratings - By Popular Demand

Ok maybe not popular but for me one request is enough to type up something real quick Good-bye nice to know you in 4.5 land. Casey Garretson, Eddie Bailey, Alex Scharlau, Alex Rivas, and Jay Heflin got the boot to 5.0 UAFS and OBU Junior Pups also saw their fun end going to 5.0 Hey we missed you Award and welcome back to 4.5: Brandon Cox out in WATA. Raul Bermudez finally gets his 5.0 rating, will be tough to beat there. I am sure Wyatt and crew are beating his door for 5.0 and 40+ 4.5 league Super Mario and Baylor Stud Sergio get kicked to 5.5, after dominating 5.0 and 9.0 mixed Those celebrating the new ratings: Adam Zimmerman and Jimbo Ramsey -- Congrats on another year to dominate those poor bastards at 4.0 yet again Drinking Salty Tears yet again: Brandon Kiker, what does the poor man have to do to get to 4.0 again. Is it time to get visual verifiers out again? There are many players who who probably be about 1 level lower, while others need to be higher. Will USTA